The Connect Centre presents theOttawa Scripture MarathonAugust 16-18, 2024816 Bank Street20 Hours | 100 Readers | 1 Cause

The Connect Centre @ 816 Bank Street

A Place for Connection

Connect to God. Connect to His Word. Connect to One Another

The Connect Centre in Downtown Ottawa provides refreshment, resources, and relational space for ministry, mentoring, and meetups.
The Connect Centre is open most Tuesdays-Fridays 9:30AM-5PM. If you are making a trip downtown, call first to confirm: 613 601-2876

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A Place to Refresh

Tuesday - Friday Drop-in CentreThe Connect Centre operates as a drop-in centre from Tuesday to Friday 9AM-5PM.We have coffee and tea for people coming in off the street who may just need a place to sit and rest for a bit and connect with God or with caring people.If people are in greater need our staff and volunteers can connect them to ministries and organizations in the city that can help.

A Place to Relate

The Connect Centre is a place to connect with God and His people. Christians across the city are invited to use the space to meet-up, to network, or to get some work done.The Connect Centre serves as the headquarters and ministry space for Connecting Streams, a division of Power to Change which exists to equip and mobilize the Church to help society's vulnerable people know Jesus and experience his power to change the world.In addition to the drop-in centre we use the meeting space for addiction recovery 1 on 1's, team meetings, and ministry space. If you have a use in mind for the space, come and see us.

A Place to be Resourced

Access to the Word of God is essential for vibrant mission in the city. It has saddened us that for many years Ottawa has been lacking a brick-and-mortar Bible Shop. Through our partners at the Canadian Bible Society, we've stocked our shelves with Bibles and other Christian resources. We want to make sure that everyone in our city has access to the Scriptures. We also have high-quality Bibles for gifts and personal use.We also display CBS resources such as pew Bibles and scripture-based discipleship tools for church leaders to preview before ordering through CBS.

Come in for a Visit

Please come in to visit us at 816 Bank Street in Ottawa. The Connect Centre is open from 9:30-5 Tuesday to Friday.

Help Us Launch

The Connect Centre launched Tuesday May 7th and is open but we need your help keeping it going. We raise funds to help us stock the resources and coffee, pay the rent, and hire a part-time manager. We would greatly appreciate your support. All donations are tax-receiptable and processed through Power to Change.Our 2024 needs:
Annual Rent: $12000
Part Time Manager: $10000
Resources: $4000



The Connect Centre presents theOttawa Scripture MarathonAugust 16-18, 2024816 Bank Street20 Hours | 100 Readers | 1 Cause

Proverbs 29:18 declares that "where there is no vision, the people perish" - speaking of the need for God's revelation to be accessible to the people of a nation so that they might live before Him in righteousness. In the New Testament, Paul wrote to his protégé Timothy, “devote yourself to the public reading of scripture”. Connecting Streams invites you to be part of our first ever Scripture Marathon, bringing the Word of God to the streets of Ottawa. We wish to devote ourselves to the public reading of the New Testament scripture over the weekend of August 16-18, 2024!Over the course of 20 hours, 100 readers and groups from various churches, denominations, and community groups will read through the entire New Testament beginning with a launch party reading of Matthew's Gospel Friday night and culminating in a worship event reading of Revelation on Sunday evening.Each reader or group will select one out of 20 hour-long time slots during which they will read the Scripture publicly in the courtyard of the Connect Centre at 816 Bank Street along with four other readers. Refreshments and washrooms are provided.Detailed Schedule: Please join us for the hour that you and/or your group is scheduled to read. If you'd like to join us at any other time during the weekend see the schedule.

Friday, August 16

  • 6PM: Event Kickoff and Matthew

  • 7PM: Continue Matthew

  • 8PM: Continue Matthew

Saturday, August 17

  • 9AM: Mark

  • 10AM: Mark/Luke

  • 11AM: Luke

  • 12PM: Luke

  • 1PM: John

  • 2PM: John

  • 3PM: Acts

  • 4PM: Acts

  • 5PM: Romans

  • 6PM: 1 Corinthians

  • 7PM: 2 Corinthians

  • 8PM: Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Philemon

Sunday, August 18

  • 1PM: Colossians - 2 Timothy

  • 2PM: Titus, Hebrews

  • 3PM: James - Jude

  • 4PM: Revelation Worship Service (In Sanctuary!)

  • 5PM: Revelation and Closing Ceremony!

Option #1: Sign Up as a Group

Small groups, youth groups, churches, and other groups can sign up together! We ask that you sign up for one reading slot for every 10-15 members of your group (a youth group of 25, for example, would sign up for two slots). The organizers will work with you to discern the most fitting manner for your group to participate in the public reading. Have your group leader register for the group and indicate your group name, such as "First Baptist Young Adults". We suggest that each "group" raise $270/slot toward the overall goal ($10 for each book of the NT).

Option #2: Sign Up as an Individual

If you aren't part of a participating group, we are happy to have individual readers join us in the Scripture Marathon. Individual Readers wishing to participate in the Scripture Marathon are encouraged to assemble a "team" of supporters together to pray for them, join them at the event during their assigned hour, and provide an opportunity for them to contribute toward the fundraising goal. Give your "team' a creative name, such as "Robin's Righteous Ones"! We suggest that each "team" raise $270 toward the overall goal ($10 for each book of the NT).

Important Note about the Fundraising Goal:Whether you sign up as an individual reader or as a group we encourage you to pray about your team and the goal that the Holy Spirit would lead you to set. Some groups will be able to raise much more than the suggested $270 goal. Others may not feel comfortable setting a goal at all. We respect and honour whatever goal you are led to set or not to set - we still very much want you to be part of the event.We are seeking to raise $27,000 through the Scripture Marathon to cover our annual operational costs for our newly opened Connect Centre. The Connect Centre is a relational space for people from all walks of life. It functions as a downtown drop-in for those needing refreshment from the streets from 9-5 Tuesday to Friday. The Canadian Bible Society has found that 40% of those visiting their resource centres nationwide are unchurched, and we have found this to be the case.The Connect Centre also serves as a place of connection and prayer for ministry leaders. It also features a wall of Canadian Bible Society resources to be freely distributed to anyone seeking a copy of the scriptures, items on display for preview purposes for churches and ministries, as well as higher quality Bibles available for sale.If we are able to raise beyond our goal, we would like to be able to employ our manager more hours and be able to open the Connect Centre extra days of the week.

Specifically, funds raised will go toward:

  • Annual Rent: $12,000

  • Part-Time Manager: $10,500

  • Bible Resources, Refreshments: $1000

  • Administration: $3500

Any Questions? Please don't hesitate to reach out and contact us about anything!